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Q: Are long toenails sexy
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Do long toenails help you balance?

Toenails help you balnce.

What do Willow Smith's toes look like?

Oh, those r so sexy. Green toenails, perfect correction

Why are your dogs toenails black?

My dog's toenails are not black. They are white. Not all dogs have black toenails. Not sure what made you think that are mistaken.

Can a dog's toenails be too long How long is too long?

30CM 30CM

How are long are your toenails?


How big can toenails grow?

69 feet long

What do you do when your hamsters toenails get to long?

Hamsters Toenails are not very easy to cut but you may be able to bring them to a pet store and they should be able to help.

How long does it take to grow toenails?

Toenails grow around 3mm per month and they require 12 to 18 months to completely regrow.

Are droopy eyes sexy?

Anything can be sexy as long as you can carry it with confidence.

What happens if you don't cut your toenails?

Your toenails will grow so long. They will curl back and kill you. This happened to a recent freind of mine. Who was 7. This is true

How often should a man cut his toenails?

it really depends on the person how long it takes their toenails to grow. You shouldn't let the toe nails exceed the length of the toe

Fungal infection in the toenails Can it spread to different parts of the body .?

not as long as you dont bite your nails...........