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Q: Are in grown toenails contagious
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How do you get rid of in-grown toenails?

Well you should go see the podiatrist and they'll help you.

What is flaky pie dough?

It is a kind of deep fried pie crust under your toenails that is only curable if your feet are size 7. Its deadly and contagious!

Do long toenails help you balance?

Toenails help you balnce.

Do flamingos have toenails?

All birds have claws - the equivalent of toenails

How can you prevent ingrown toenails?

get your parents to cut your toenails for you, if you are bad at cutting them.

Why do people eat their toenails?

People eat their toenails because they insecure about themselves!

Do toenails sink or float?

Toenails float because of low amount of density

Why are your dogs toenails black?

My dog's toenails are not black. They are white. Not all dogs have black toenails. Not sure what made you think that are mistaken.

What is a sentence for the word contagious?

This is not a contagious disease.The virus is contagious.

Do geckos have toenails?


Do toenails melt?


Of or relating to or affecting the fingernails or toenails?

Onycho- is the root word prefix relating to fingernails and toenails.