A lavender/purple top tube is typically used to draw blood for a hematocrit test. This tube contains the anticoagulant EDTA, which helps prevent the blood from clotting during testing.
Anticoagulants are used for conditions in which the blood may clot too easily. Warfarin (Coumadin) is monitored with PT and INR labs. Hematocrit relates to the red blood cell count, and is not generally focused on when monitoring anitcoagulant function.
hematocrit machine ......
Coumadin is used to thin the blood.
Sodium fluoride is not an anticoagulant but rather a glycolysis inhibitor. It is used in blood collection tubes to prevent the breakdown of glucose in the blood sample, which can affect certain laboratory tests. The anticoagulant commonly used for blood collection is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or heparin.
Sodium fluoride is not commonly used as an anticoagulant choice; it is typically used as a preservative in blood samples for glucose testing. Common anticoagulants used for blood collection include EDTA, heparin, and citrate.
An anticoagulant
Ibuprofen is a known anticoagulant.
The anticoagulant commonly used for blood tests is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). It helps prevent the blood sample from clotting by binding to calcium ions, which are necessary for the blood to form clots.
An anticoagulant antagonist counters the effect of an anticoagulant, making it so that the medication can no longer stop clotting.