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Q: What was the primary anticoagulant used in the first artificial kidney?
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Should you see a kidney doctor for kidney infection?

No, you should see your primary care provider first for a kidney infection (or urgent care, if your primary is not available).

How kidney dialysis invented proccess?

Dr. Willem Kolff is considered the father of dialysis. This young Dutch physician constructed the first dialyzer (artificial kidney) in 1943.

Which came first the kidney or the kidney bean?

The organ was called a kidney first. The kidney bean is called so because it is shaped like a kidney, the organ.

What was the name of the first artificial satellite launched successfully?

Sputnik was the first artificial satellite.

Name the first artificial satellite launched by United States?

The first artificial satellite was the explorer one.

Where was the first artificial ice tested?

The first artificial ice was tested in London, England in December 1841.

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To date, there is no such thing as an artificial planet

Why was the artificial heart invented?

William J. Kolff invented the first artificial heart and the first artificial kidney-dialysis machine.

First succesfull Kidney Transplant?

The first successful kidney transplant was performed to the Herrick twins in 1954.

Had an ultrasound of a transplanted kidney and there is a dark spot on the kidney. what can it be?

First hypothesis: a cyst.

Who made the first artificial satellite?

The USSR launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, launched i October 4 1957.

What was the first artificial satellite released?

The first artificial satellite was Sputnik I, launched by the Soviet Union on the 4th of October 1957