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3rd ,4th or 5th is when you get to liking guys and then you date I guess... But it really all depends on the person.

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Q: Age when most people have first girlfriend or boyfriend?
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Should the first kiss be fast or slow?

That really depends on what you and your boyfriend/girlfriend like. Most people like the kiss to change speeds however.

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most people use the term 'frige' for someone who has never had a boyfriend/girlfriend! hope i answered u'r question!

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No, his most recent girlfriend was Caroline Flack but after that he had no more.

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Well it is probably to try and get a boyfriend/girlfriend. but in my eyes its more like a issue that needs to be sorted.

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i think in age 13-15

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No, it means that the couple have officially agreed to get married. If you live together you are boyfriend/girlfriend or partners.

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well if they really love you they will most likely break up with there boyfriend or girlfriend but if they dont they dont really love you!

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If he never asked you, then you are most likely not boyfriend and girlfriend. The best thing to do it to clarify your relationship with him.There is only one way to find out if you are together. You will have to ask them.

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respecting her space, buyin' chocolate & flowers

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guys do realize the love they have lost. my boyfriend is forever going on about his ex girlfriend-his first love. it was the most intense hurt he says.