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You cannot put a timeframe on love!! You can love after the 1st day til after. You know you love someone, when you doodle their name everywhere, wake up and go to sleep thinking of them. Not to mention when the time you two spend brings butterflies to your stomach.

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Q: After how long in a relationship is it okay to say i love you?
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You can just say it as I love you as a friend.

When to say i love you in a new relationship?

you say i love you when you know her/him is firm in the relationship and u r too

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I would love to build a relationship with you

How do you say okay my love in French?

D'accord ma chérie (feminine) or mon chéri (masculine)

How can you handle a long-distance relationship?

okay,the only thing i can say is this i myself am in the same relationship,in a very long distance relationship am in Asia and my galfriend is in Africa and to handle this type of relationship isn't easy at all but i can say the only thing which is needed is trust and believing that wherever he/she at, he/she does real care for your relationship,there are ups and downs so be ready to share, open to each other and see if it works, once it works the relationship is perfect.

Is it ok to say 'i love you'after 3-4 months of being in a relationship?

You should say it at the start of a relationship and keep reminding him/her how much you do love them.

Is okay a long vowel sound?

No, "okay" does not have a long vowel sound. The 'o' in "okay" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.

What does taken mean?

taken means that are actually in a relationship..but not really in love... if you say i am in a love taKEN relationship means that you are in a relationship that u love you partner and your partner loves you back

Im in a long distance relationship and im having troubles. We both love each other and everything but her parents say its unhealthy for her to have a long distance relationship is that true?

It can be unhealthy. It all just depends on what degree of love and trust there is. Her parents, saying "it is unhealthy for her to have a long distance relationship", might just mean that they're not too supportive of the relationship and where it's heading. But if there's love.. GO FOR IT! forget what anyone or anything says. for love there is mountain too high that isn't cross-able. (:

Who should be the first to say 'I love you' in a relationship?

The guy

Is a relationship?

A relationship is when you love someone and anything that embarasses you and you can say it to him and you two laugh about it together.

Do all men cheat in a long distance relationship if they say they love you and are engaged to you?

yeah. .all men are born to be liars and cheaters No. If you really love someone, you won't cheat on them.