ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder symptoms include impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity. With age the symptoms usually decrease, but can cause consistent problems with interpersonal skills and employment. People diagnosed with this disorder display the symptoms and impaired judgment almost anywhere they go, making simple social interaction more difficult for the affected individual. Medication and strict behavioral therapies help treat this psychological disorder sometimes effectively and may not, but the answer to you question is that it will affect your social life because of how we as people tend to categorize everything in our thinking to make sense. If is order of categorization is disturbed by i.e, "an individual affected with ADHD", then the people interacting around this person will either accept the fact that the person may have a problem and deal with them accordingly or thinking the person has a more serious mental issue which never usually the case.
However, there are times where an individual that is affected by ADHD can actually get away with having the disorder without being treated differently at all. Most people that have ADHD don't necessarily have impulsivity or hyperactivity, I have yet to see someone diagnosed with ADHD pay attention to something long. In fact, many of these cases come from how they were treated by friends and family because of what they have. In those cases, they never really think about being "normal" because nobody treats them normal. ADHD only affects your social life if the people around you don't understand just how easy it truly is to get away with having ADHD.
It has always been a problem, it is just now that it has got a name "ADHD".
No. ADHD is a neurological problem and doesn't affect your appearance.
I think u can
social problems are the problems that affect the society social problem becomes a social problem it affect social as social as a whole in some personal problem are not social problems. A social problem may be personal to you though.
She has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
social problems are the problems that affect the society social problem becomes a social problem it affect social as social as a whole in some personal problem are not social problems. A social problem may be personal to you though.
ADHD nutrition is a term that refers to a certain diet for people who have attention deficit hyper disorder. Some foods can actually help with this problem.���adhd/slideshow.aspx?���cp-documentid=100163625
it means someone has mantle problem
ADHD nutrition is a term that refers to a certain diet for people who have attention deficit hyper disorder. Some foods can actually help with this problem.���adhd/slideshow.aspx?���cp-documentid=100163625
It is the way that (if diagnosed) your brain works, it is not a learning problem, just the way that many people's brains work.
a social problem is any condition that harms a society.
Depression or ADD/ADHD