Very much so! God may give us 'three score years and ten' but he also gives us the time we have to make the most of life. Jesus said 'I come to give you life and life in is fullness', so never feel that you are too old for anything. Don't forget, Picasso did his best paintings in his 80s, John Glenn went into space in his 70s. A friend of mine taught himself to play the church organ (including pedals!) having never touched a note before, when he was 75 and now he plays Bach preludes and fugues at the wonderful age of 92 years young. So after 70 you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
Man can not say how long he will live but the bible in Psalms say that mans life is three score and a half. That is seventy years, and the rest of the years are a bonus.
There really wouldn't be an "average," per se. When someone reaches the age of eight-nine, they're already doing better than the average male age expectancy of around seventy-five. To make a prediction of how much longer someone of that age would live, one would need to take into account lifestyle, health problems, and even things like location and proximity to good medical care.
"Taking life for granted" means not appreciating or valuing life's experiences, opportunities, and blessings. It involves not recognizing the significance of the gift of life and all that it entails.
A life cycle refers to the stages an organism goes through in its development, from birth to reproduction to death. On the other hand, a life span refers to the maximum length of time an organism is capable of living.
The average life expectancy in Cyprus is around 81 years.
seventy-five years!
According to tradition he was seventy years old.
2 billion
Quorum of the seventy Seventy friends going to the mall Seventy hummingbirds A pile of seventy coins
George Higginson has written: 'Seventy-one years of a Guardsman's life'
Seventy-one (71) for males and seventy-six (76) for females are the life expectancies in Suriname.Specifically, the higher life expectancy is favored by the healthy lifestyles of the Surinamese. The Surinamese diet favors fresh fruits and vegetables and seafood. The lifestyle favors exercise since walking, boating and bicycling are favored activities.
seventy-sevenYou write it as seventy seven.
The correct spelling is seventy (70).
For works with a single author: life of the author plus seventy years.For works with joint authors: life of the last surviving author plus seventy years.For works made for hire, or anonymous works: 95 years after publication, or 105 years after fixation, whichever comes first.
Seventy-three and seventy hundredths in standard form = 7.37 × 101
W. R. LeFanu has written: 'Seventy years of Irish life'