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Methodical and logical

Integrity/ ethics

Detailed/ precise

Presentation skills


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Q: What are the qualities of a scientist?
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Why might flexibility and open mindedness be desirable qualities in a scientist?

creativity is important

Why might flexibility and open-mindedness be desirable qualities in a scientist?

creativity is important

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What are 4 qualities a scientist must posses for scientific inquiry?

Reasoning Creativity Skeptical Openness

Compare and contrast the stereotypical scientist with the qualities of real scientists?

The stereotypical scientist will use personal logic and reasoning to describe the results of a hypothesis. The real scientist would prefer to use more empirical means to obtain scientific proof.

What qualities and attitudes made Thomas Edison a successful scientist?

curiosity and perseverance made him like this

Desirable qualities of a foreign scientist?

Dependability Honesty Positive Attitude Keen Observer creative patient curious humble intellectually honest objective Aware of the limitations of Science Persevering Open minded A scientist must be curious about the world A scientist is logical and systematic A scientist is open-minded and free of bias A scientist is intellectually honest A scientist works hard and is persistent A scientist does not jump to conclusions A scientist is a creative and critical thinker A scientist is rational A scientist is willing to suspend judgment until he is sure of his results A scientist tries new approaches to arrive at solutions Empiricism. Parsimony Precisi… Working

What are the qualities of scientist?

Scientists typically possess qualities such as curiosity, critical thinking skills, persistence, and attention to detail. They are also usually analytical, open-minded, and have a passion for discovery and learning.

What qualities led Benjamin Franklin to become one of the most important American figures?

=Benjamin Franklin was a U.S. Founding Father, a writer, a publisher, an inventor and a scientist. As a scientist, he is most commonly recognized for his electricity experimenst. However, he was also a very accomplished physical oceanographer.=

How can you think like a scientist?

listen to the scientist feel the scientist be the scientist taste the scientist bam ur scientist