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Did you mean qualities? Quantities of a scientist makes no sense at all.

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Q: What are the quantities of a scientist?
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What are the desirable quantities of a scientist?

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When a trained scientist makes a careful observation of anything, that qualifies as a scientific observation. Scientific variables would be quantities of something,

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Francium is not exclusively found in France, but rather, it is found throughout the Earth in extremely small quantities. Francium was discovered by a French scientist, Marguerite Perey.

What are base quantities and derived quantities?

Base quantities are fundamental physical quantities that cannot be defined in terms of other physical quantities. They are used as building blocks in expressing other physical quantities. Derived quantities, on the other hand, are physical quantities that are derived from combinations of base quantities through multiplication and division with or without other derived quantities.

What are based quantities?

quantities which are not mademade from major quantities

Types of physical quantities?

Physical quantities can be broadly categorized as scalar or vector quantities. Scalar quantities have only magnitude, like mass or temperature, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction, like velocity or force. Other types of physical quantities include derived quantities (obtained from combinations of base quantities) and dimensionless quantities (without units).

Derived quantities are the?

All other quantities which described in terms of base quantities are called base quantities.

What are basic quantities and derived quantities?

Basic quantities are physical quantities that are independent and cannot be defined in terms of other physical quantities, such as length, time, and mass. Derived quantities, on the other hand, are physical quantities that are defined in terms of one or more basic quantities, such as speed, acceleration, and force.

What difference of derived quantities and standard quantities?

Derived quantities are quantities that you should be solving for. Ex: Volume, Mass etc Standard quantities are quantities that are specific. Ex: length, seconds, meter. Hop I helped you. :)