Personification is a literary term in which inanimate objects are given human-like characteristics. An example of personification with a snowflake would be: The powdery snowflake seemed to dance and giggle it drifted through the air.
It takes about as long as a water cycle
When one is used before a noun, it is an adjective.Examples:This is one sentence with the adjective form.This is one example of using the word.
"I was mad at no one in particular."
One example of how to use transfusion in a sentence is: Transfusions are used to replace lost components of the blood.
Using the word "powerful" in a sentence can be achieved in a number of ways. For example, when describing an emotional movie, one can say that they have seen a powerful movie.
The snowflake dance as it walked to the ground
Snowflake is one word. Used in an example sentence "the snowflake looks pretty under the microscope".
The old computer was not going to be used again.
My cat's playful antics personify the spirit of a mischievous child.
the tree spread it's arms [it's branch ]
The tree was sad because all of its leaves fell off
Each snowflake is unique.
"The snowflake was large.""The paintbrush is old."
There are many places where one can purchase a Swarvoski crystal snowflake. One can purchase a Swarvoski crystal snowflake at popular on the web sources such as Sterling Collectibles and Amazon.
snowflakes is often happen in some other countries.,.that is made up of snow in which people enjoy looking at it.,.,
one snow flake is called a snowflake lots of snowflakes are called snow
I thought my crystal snowflake was a secret. Who told you I had one?