Hermione was upset because Ron started a fight with her because she attended the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum. Ron told Hermione that she was fraternising with the enemy and ruined her evening. Ron was really just jealous because he was starting to realise he liked Hermione.
Harry Potter was never romantically interested in Hermione Granger. When he heard about the Yule Ball, he wanted to ask Cho Chang but by the time he got around to doing so she had already agreed to go with Cedric Diggory.
Harry then couldn't figure out who to ask and was present when Ron 'asked' Hermione to go with him by pointing out that she was a girl and nobody would ask her. Hermione angrily informed Ron she already had a date. Harry then spotted Parvati Patil and asked her to attend with him, asking at the same time if she knew anybody who would go with Ron.
Hermione crys when she sees Ron with Lavender, but there's no actual lead up dialogue.
Well there are many ofdifferent meaning's But I think he's always liked her a bit different then Harry has. For example, in book number two, the chamber of secrets, she gets petrified, and when she gets back to normal, she hugs Harry and she shakes hand with Ron. But she also shows it in book and movie number three, six and seven. In the third, they both by accident grapes each others hands, and they both get odd. In book six, Hermione gets incredible mad and sad, when Ron gets a relationship with another girl. In the last book, seven. He leaves Harry and Hermione, and Hermione cry's for days. Later in the book, they kiss, so that when he really shows it, but I think he's always liked her.
In the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry and Ron didn't like Hermione because she appeared to be a pompous, braggart, interfering, and obnoxious know-it-all. They often make fun of her. Later in the book, though, they witness a softer side of her when they make her cry (she overhears them making fun of her), and they genuinely are sorry. Then, they meet the troll in the bathroom and Hermione covers for them (stunning them, as she lies to a teacher- Professor McGonagall). After that incident, the three become best friends.
Chuck Norris does not cry. He sweats out of his eyes!
At the start, it is because she wiped her parent's memories and they no longer know who she is. Then when Ron leaves, because she wants him to come back. Its a pretty tough time, I wouldnt be surprised if she cried from the pressure of it all
In book 6 Ron Weasley made Hermione Granger cry on page 302.
Hermione crys when she sees Ron with Lavender, but there's no actual lead up dialogue.
About ten pages into chapter ten, Halloween. Page 172 in US paperback.
"Gerremoffme!" he yelled, but with one last look of vindictive fury, Hermione wrenched open the door and disappeared through it. Harry thought he heard a sob before it slammed."Chapter Fourteen - Felix FelicisThis would be after Hermione conjured the birds and set them upon Ron after he and Lavender burst into what they thought was an empty classroom in order to snog in peace.
The cast of Cry Wolf - 2012 includes: Scotty Pawela as Wolf Granger
The mule in "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" was named Mr. Granger's Peter.
Yes. (Not all the times though, only occasionally.)
The three plantation owners mentioned in "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" are Jim Lee Barnett, Mr. Granger, and Mr. Montier. They are considered the wealthiest and most influential landowners in the area.
The homophone for ball is bawl. Bawl means to cry.
bawl meaning to cry
Mr. Granger threatens to foreclose on the Logan family's land if they don't stop helping the black community in Chapter 7 of "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry." He uses his power and influence as a white landowner to intimidate and control the Logan family.
The homonym for "ball" is "bawl," which means to cry loudly or shout in a distressed manner.