Since Maggie Simpson does not talk much on the show, she has had multiple people play her voice. Her voice has been performed by Elizabeth Taylor, James Earl Jones, Liz Georges, and some of the other voice actors from the show.
maggie simpson....
The Happy Little Elves
Maggie's character is half-bunny half-unknown. Maggie is generally innocent, and good natured. But in a few Simpsons' Tree house of Horrors, you see that there is a darker side to Maggie. Also, there are references to evil Maggie in a few of the normal episodes. She is also the second smartest person in the Simpson family. Lisa is the first. She also never talks, even in the peek-into-the-future episodes. When Maggie is going to say something in the future, she is always interrupted.
The cast of After the Shearing - 2008 includes: Lili Boyle as Older Maggie Voice over Brighid Fleming as Maggie Charlene Geisler as Jesse Matthew Silas as Business Man
The cast of The Girlfriend - 2005 includes: Tom Geislinger as Dad Maggie Henry as Rebecca Stephanie Schnorbus as Mallory Spencer Simpson as Nick
Lisa Simpson = Yeardley Smith Homer Simpson = Dan Castellaneta Bart Simpson = Nancy Cartwright Marge Simpson = Julie Kavner Abraham Simpson = Dan Castellaneta Maggie Simpson = Unknown
Maggie Simpson was created in 1987.
Maggie Simpson because not everyone knows about the anime series Dragon Ball .
maggie simpson
Homer Simpson
Bart has 2 sisters, Lisa Marie Simpson and Margaret "Maggie" Simpson.
Maggie is the youngest child of Marge and Homer Simpson, and sister to Bart and Lisa Simpson.
Maggie Simpson shot Mr. Burns.
since when did Maggie shoot homer
Homer and Marge's daughter are: Lisa Marie Simpson (eldest daughter, middle child with her brother Bartholomew JoJo "Bart" Simpson being the eldest child" Margaret "Maggie" Simpson is the youngest child of the Simpson family.
Maggie Simpson is a baby girl and the youngest child.