Lisa Simpson = Yeardley Smith
Homer Simpson = Dan Castellaneta
Bart Simpson = Nancy Cartwright
Marge Simpson = Julie Kavner
Abraham Simpson = Dan Castellaneta
Maggie Simpson = Unknown
Yes, Dan Castellaneta
you can make up a shoe colour for homer Simpson but homer usually were's grey shoes
Homer Simpson
probobly william shakespere science he has been sround longer
Abraham J. "Abe" Simpson is Homer J. Simpson's father.
The creator is Matt Growning and he doesn't do Homers voice. The voice of Homer is Dan Castellaneta.
Dan Castellaneta is the voice of Homer Simpson .
Sure sounds like it.
Dan is the voice of the very popular voice of the simpsons Homer, Abe and many other simpsons characters.
I'd say being Homer Simpson's voice.
Yes, Dan Castellaneta
Homer Simpson
The voices of cartoon characters change over time.
Three-time Emmy winner Glenn Close provided the voice of Homer Simpson's mother on "The Simpsons."
They're professional voice actors, although some of the characters' voices have changed over time, Homer, Wiggum & Moe for example, so they aren't the same as when they started.
homer Simpson