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Reshiram is a fire and dragon type and Zekrom is a electric and dragon type. They're both genderless and have equal power. I would go for ZEKROM FOR THE WIN PEOPLE. Contrary to that answer Reshiram is mainly dragon while Zekrom is elctric mainly, Reshiram's dragon moves are stronger therefore, Reshiram

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13y ago
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12y ago

In the final battle, if you're playing pokemon black, Reshiram is level 50 and Zekrom is level 52. If you're playing pokemon white, Zekrom is level 50 and Reshiram is level 52. But depending on what your battle strategy is, then either way is possible.

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13y ago

they are both equally strong and equally powerful

the Pokemon company purposefully makes them so that legendary pairs are equal

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Celeste Tserng

Lvl 1
2y ago
Who is stronger MewTwo or Reshiram and Zekrom

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13y ago

reshiram and zekrom have the same stats.Although there's one difference zekrom has the same attack and defence as reshirams sp.attack and sp.defence.

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13y ago

Zekram is stronger so to hom ever bought white version good

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13y ago

depends on what moves they use...... if they keep using dragon moves they could both win, depends on who is faster.

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13y ago

zekrom by far!

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Q: Which Pokemon is better Reshiram or Zekrom?
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What Pokemon is better reshiram or Zekrom?

I would say Reshiram. Other people would say Zekrom and others would say Reshiram.

Can you get Zekrom and Reshiram in Pokemon White verison?

No you can't. You can catch zekrom in Pokemon white and reshiram in Pokemon black.

Can you get a zekrom and a Reshiram in Pokemon White?

No, only a Zekrom

Has Zekrom got better moves than Reshiram?

Reshiram has a special move called "Blue Flame" that does 130 dm.and Zekrom's special is thunder strike with does 130,so they are the same---But,i like reshiram the aroura Pokemon he is better than zekrom hey dude,go to Pokemon marrilland to look at all the Pokemon in the unova reigon

Is Reshiram in Pokemon Black?

Yup, Reshiram is in Pokemon Black and Zekrom is on Pokemon White. :)

Which is better Zekrom or Reshiram?

Depends,if you have Pokemon black or white.If you have white,Zekrom is better because you battle N,he has Reshiram and he'll use Fire Type Moves which aren't very effective.Of course,since Reshiram is Dragon,you'd use Dragon Breath.In Black,Reshiram is better,and it's the same thing,a battle against N.His Zekrom will use Thunder type moves,while you use Dragon type moves.A:White:Zekrom,Black:Reshiram.

Is Reshiram and Zekrom male or female or are or are they both Genderless in Pokemon black and white?

Zekrom and Reshiram are Genderless, as are most legendary Pokemon.

Is Reshiram or Zekrom the light or dark?

Do You mean pokemon black and white, well in pokemon black there is reshiram and in pokemon white there is zekrom confusing but tht's how it is

Can you get reshiram in pokemon white after you get zeckrom?

No. You have to trade Reshiram from Pokemon Black and Zekrom from Pokemon White.

How do you get zekrom and reshiram?

In Pokemon White: For Zekrom, you obtain it from N's Castle. Reshiram will needed to be traded for or by Mystery Gift. In Pokemon Black: For Reshiram, you obtain it from N's Castle. Zekrom will needed to be traded for or by Mystery Gift.

Can you get Reshiram and Zekrom in only in Pokemon Black?

Unless you cheat, you can only obtain Reshiram in Pokemon black. You will need to trade to Pokemon black if you have white for zekrom to be in Pokemon black.

Can you catch Reshiram in Pokemon White?

Unfortunately you cannot obtain Reshiram (Dragon/Fire) in Pokemon White, rather you can obtain Zekrom (Dragon/Electric). In my opinion, Reshiram is better, so i got Pokemon Black.