You can either check out inuyasha manga books at the library or read manga online.
Some good sites to read manga online are:
You can read it at (so far they only have vol 1)
Type in "Soul Eater Manga Read" You can read from the sites of... * *Mangafox * is a website where you can download episode of manga and read manga for free.
there is license on that manga so you cant read on any site but you can watch it in youtube there are manga videos there
Well, sometimes, they make ani-manga (Ani-manga are made by taking screenshots from an animated film or series and adding word balloons, as in a comic.) but, you can just buy it at stores that sell any other Naruto manga. I'm sorry if I didn't answer it clearly, or if I didn't answer it correctly. ---- to read the naruto manga go on ---- sometimes they just don't......
Pokemon Special is a manga,wich are in general not colored.It's very rare to find a manga in color.Sadly you can't find Pokemon Special manga in color.
This site is a bit slow..but you can read it online!!
For the Pokemon manga, the HeartGold and SoulSilver chapters are the most current chapters right now, so there are probably at least only ten chapters of it now. To read it, you can go to, and search for the pokemon adventures manga. It should start at chapter 441.
You can go on search it in the search engine with "pok" first and there will be the Pokemon manga's there
This Question Does Not Make Sence what you mean by that dude how do you not no what he asking any one can read that
Yes, there is a manga for it.Some where on the internet,there IS a site where you can read it for free.i was actually just looking at some websites to see if they have them-and i found one! Its called:Pokemon Special.There's another manga though, and it looks like its more about Pokemon rangers than trainers.
List web that you can read manga
this manga can be read for free at either manga fox, one manga or zen manga :)
You can read all the chapters of the manga in manga animea or manga fox.
You can read it at (so far they only have vol 1)
you can read translated Earthian manga at