You can read all the chapters of the manga in manga animea or manga fox.
you can read them online at you can also download the chapters from narutoverse. :) hope this helps!
you can go to this website if you want to watch naruto and naruto shippuden sub on this website = .
not anytime soon.......I'm from India too............but if ur waiting for naruto to come on cartoonnetwrok India then u'll have to wait a long time!!!!!!!! this is mainly b'coz the Indian cartoonnetwrok is not buying the naruto episodes...........even if it restarts they will just proabably repeat a few epidodes & stop again.....................and we'have just raeched the chuni exam arcs in my advice is not to wait for naruto & go read the naruto manga.......its much better than the anime......u can just type naruto comics in Google search and click one of the first links............. hi, you can go on it has lots of other mangas in English.. enjoy. right now its naruto shippuden way ahead from naruto on cartoon network there is other sites from where you can download & watch naruto episodes. so far i know but its closed nw try or or
Yes, Naruto fights Madara in chapter 562 (, you can read manga chapters on
it would take days so read the manga .i hate it
Naruto comics are generally not for younger kids. Naruto comics are appropriate for the ages of 11 and up although some parents allow younger to watch or read the anime/ manga It depends though because some people are reading naruto comics younger than 11 and can watch and/or get the anime/manga.
you can read them online at you can also download the chapters from narutoverse. :) hope this helps!
Read good comics at -
Masashi Kishimoto.... He first made Naruto in 1997 and it was released in Jump comics....
You can read the manga and comics at Zelda Legends, which is linked below.
most Japanese's comics are read back to front. its weird but it's normal to them
52 and there are 300 something chapters
If by read, you mean read manga, you can do that here,
Grand Database Comics...
no where
Rangerstop is war you get the comics
You can read them on the official Marvel Comics website by paying a fee.