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Yes, the Day Care Centre in Pokemon Black is next to the nursery on Route 3, its the little house on the far right.

Its also a good place to train since the kids there all want pokemon battles in the nursery!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

before narcene city and after stration city as soon you get up that street then you see some stairs the house with the little kid watching a cottontee and something that's the daycare

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Q: Where is the daycare center in Pokemon Black and White?
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Where do you find daycare man on Pokemon Black and white after you beat the first gym?

Maybe in the daycare center?

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At the daycare center

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You have to pull the pokemon out of the daycare to check the level

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No, but they can learn new moves

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the daycare

Where is the Daycare in Pokemon Black and White 2?

the exact place of where it is on black and white. northwest of striaton city

Where do you find daycare man on Pokemon Black and white?

route 3!

Where is the pokemon day care center in Pokemon White 2?

The Daycare can be found in Route 3 in Pokémon White 2.

How do you bread Pokemon in Pokemon White?

If you mean BREED Pokemon in Pokemon white, you put a girl and boy of the same Pokemon in daycare, and you will later get an egg from the daycare people.

Can you lay eggs in Pokemon white?

Yes,but only emboar,samurott,or serperior can lay eggs. you need to put a ditto and one of the starter Pokemon from Pokemon black or white in the daycare. and wait about 15 minutes then talk to the person outside of the daycare and he will give you the egg.

Is there a GTS in Pokemon Black and White?

Yes, there is a GTS in Pokemon Black and White. It is up in the Pokemon Center and you can access it once you get the first badge as always.

How soon can you trade on Pokemon Black and White?

as soon as you find a Pokemon center.