the exact place of where it is on black and white. northwest of striaton city
There are 300 Pokemon in the Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Unova Pokedex.
Pokemon black and white 2 is out now so play that.
The only ways to get more than one of a Pokemon are as follows: 1. Catch another 2. Put it in the daycare with another of the same Pokemon of the opposite gender and wait for an egg 3. Put it in the daycare with a Ditto and wait for an egg
The password can vary between 2202, 7707, 9909, or the names of the legendary pokemon in black and white 2. Have fun. Pokemon black and white 2 is a great game.
Black and White Kyruem.
2 at a time.
He's in Nimbasa city,after saving him you will be able to leave 2 pokemon at the daycare
The Daycare can be found in Route 3 in Pokémon White 2.
4 because the sell pokemon white and pokemon black and know they sell pokemon white 2 and pokemon black 2
Zekrom. It is Pokemon White's mascot, NOT Pokemon Black's, as a common and logical error states BUT its vise versa in pokemon black 2 and pokemon white 2 so if u want to get a zekrom (advise: hes better) i suddegest pokemon black 2 but pokemon white 2 is a better game
There are 300 Pokemon in the Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Unova Pokedex.
Black Kyurem is in Pokemon Black 2.
You have to go to the daycare on Route 3, and put 2 pokemon in. they'll make an egg and after you hatch it you get a Pokemon.
it evolves if you transfer it from Pokemon black or white to Pokemon black 2 or white 2
White 2: White Kyurem Black 2: Black Kyurem Black 2 and White 2: Therian forms of Tornadus, Thunderus and Landorus.