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Once you reach Route 111, where the entrance to Magma Pass is on the mountain area on the left, go right and up into a shelter-looking thing. Talk to the lady that's there, and she'll ask you if you'd like to go up on the cable car.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

On the route east of lavaridge town.

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Q: Where is the cable car in Pokemon ruby?
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You get there by riding on the cable car from route 111 and going down the Jagged Pass *Cable car is on Route 112

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You can trade from Pokemon Ruby to another Pokemon Ruby using a link cable.

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Mt. Chimney is on Route 112. Use the Cable Car to ascend to the top.

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You'll need Pokemon ruby. If you mean ruby to sapphire, then you'll need both games, two gba's, and a link cable.

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conect the game boy link cable with ruby an leafgreen

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I don't think you can because 'Pokemon silver' game cartridge is bigger than 'Pokemon ruby' and so you couldn't do it.* *because the cable to trade, is a long thingy, whereas a ruby game cable is a semi- circle thingy.

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go down the jagged pass from mt chimney, it's near the cable car section, then go left. (tip: old lady next to the cable car station at mt chimney heals your pokemon for you)

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fight Maxine when you win take the cable car then go down toft route 102 and go le

How do you dual slot Pokemon from Pokemon leafgreen to Pokemon ruby?

you need a link cable EDIT:and two gameboys.

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Pokemon center. With a friend,using a wireless adapter or a link cable

Can Pokemon Crystal trade with ruby?

yes but you need a ruby and sapphire gem and a link cable