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In Pokemon Emerald, After you defeat the Elite Four and Champion you will have to walk out of your house. Then Scott will call you on the PokeNav. Then you talk to your mum/mom before you set of and then you talk to Scott again on the PokeNav and he will tell you where you have to go.

NOTE: If you have a fake Pokemon Emerald Game (if the cartridge is not green) then you might not be able to unlock the Battle Frontier. To be 100% sure if you want to unlock the Battle Frontier you need a Green Pokemon Emerald Game Cartridge)

In Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum beat the Elite 4 and then go to Snowpoint City and get on the ship near the Pokemon Centre. :)

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13y ago
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14y ago

After you beat the elite four, head to route 129-130 you will find it around there.

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13y ago

the battle frontier is only in emerald and platinum.

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9y ago

There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon LeafGreen

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14y ago

The Battle Frontier is in the Battle Area on the little island along with the Survival Zone and the Resort Zone.

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13y ago

the battle frontier is in the fight unlock the fight area by beating the Pokemon league

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13y ago

It's literally around the corner of Olivine City. But there's this ugly bald dude in front of the entrance, so to make him go away, you have to beat the Pokemon league.

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12y ago

The Battle Frontier in Heartgold is found at Route 40 (west of Olivine City).

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14y ago

West of Olivine city . you can't go in until you beat all 16 gym leaders ( 8 in Johto,and 8 in Kanto .)

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Q: Where is the battle frontier in Pokemon sapphire?
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Does the Pokemon Sapphire have a battle frontier?

No, Pokemon Sapphire Version does not have a Battle Frontier. However, Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Platinum do have the Battle Frontier.

Where is the Battle Frontier in Pokemon Ruby?

Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire do not have the Battle Frontier, instead they only have the Battle Tower. It was not until Emerald version that the Battle Frontier was added to the game.

Where is Battle frontier in Pokemon sapphire?

There isn't one in sapphire its just in emereld.

After beating battle tower on Pokemon Sapphire what is the next objective?

you cant cause its the end of Pokemon sapphire. but the game Pokemon emerald has the whole battle frontier.

Which is better pokemon sapphire or emerald?

Better is pokemon can catch more pokemon-you can catch kyogre and groudon-you can battle with the frontier brains and collect the seven symbols in battle frontier

Is there a battle frontier in Pokemon Ruby?

=No, But there is a Battle Tower there. The battle frontier was added only to Emerald Version, and therefore is Completely unaccessible to ruby/Sapphire Version. Sorry.=

How do you catch Sudowoodo on Pokemon Sapphire?

You can't, you either have to trade a purified Sudowoodo from Pokemon Colosseum or trade the one you catch in the Battle Frontier from Emerald.

Were is the battle frontier in sapphire for gba?

there isn't one

How can I get the Pokemon recorded in my Pokedex in Pokemon Platinum after you battle in the Battle Frontier?

If you see a Pokemon in the battle frontier you have not yet seen, it will not record it. The only way you can add that Pokemon to your pokedex is if you see it outside of battle frontier.

Where is the battle frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Only the Battle Tower.

Can you earn exp at the battle frontier in Pokemon platinum?

no you can not get exp in the battle frontier in Pokemon plat

Where is the cool contest in emerald?

ALL Contests in the Pokemon EMERALD version are located in LILYCOVE CITY In the Large building just south of the Pokemon Center The Three Tents in Slateport, Fallarbor, and Verdanturf that were previously used for contests in Ruby/Sapphire are now Battle Tents to Prepare the player for the Battle Frontier that is unlocked after defeating the Pokemon League. Emerald: Slateport: Battle Swap Challenge (Battle Factory at Battle Frontier) Verdanturf: Pokemon Trust Challenge (Battle Palace at Battle Frontier) Fallarbor: KO Challenge (Battle Arena at Battle Frontier) Ruby/Sapphire: Verdanturf: Normal Rank Contests Fallarbor: Super Rank Contests Slateport: Hyper Rank Contests Lilycove: Master Rank Contests