there is lots of max elixers you can find them out in the wild i dont know if you can buy them
The max HP for Pokemon cards are 200HP
yes it is 010201e4 458124e5 b21654f2 1223454e
You evolve an Eevee into and Espeon by raising it to max happiness. Pokemon gain happiness when you give them massages (in Goldenrod underground and Blue's sister.) It will take a while to reach max happiness. Then you level it up in the day. It will evolve into Espeon.
According to the Pokemon television series, Max doesn't have any Pokemon because he is too young to own and take care of a Pokemon.
ONE well, not many people have the Pokemon red version, but my brother used to play it. think the max you can get is one, which is the original one that can turn into either the water, electricity or fire version of it. any other chances of getting it is by trading.
Elixer and Max Elixer both refill pp, normal elixer recovers 5pp while max recovers the max pp. The item pp-up will increase any moves pp by 20% of its max pp.
Give it to them and then click use
No; in FR version, there is no level-up code. There is a code to get max Rare Candy codes, however.
U feed pokeblocks that max out beauty like blue pokeblocks
blue pokeblocks to max beauty
Any level, just get it to max happiness.
You need to max out a pokemons beauty by feeding it lots of high level blue pokeblocks, then you need to talk the president of the Pokemon fanclub in Slateport, he will admire your Pokemon and the effort you put in as a trainer and then give you the blue scarf.
The duration of The Blue Max is 2.6 hours.
The max HP for Pokemon cards are 200HP
(MAX bp is 9999) L and R to activate 94000130 fffb0000 121d3450 0000270f d2000000 00000000
at pallet town in blues house on mondays their is a girl called daisy show her 7 Pokemon with max happiness