You need to max out a pokemons beauty by feeding it lots of high level blue pokeblocks, then you need to talk the president of the Pokemon fanclub in Slateport, he will admire your Pokemon and the effort you put in as a trainer and then give you the blue scarf.
im not so sure... but i think that when u go to the Pokemon fan club in slateport city and talk to one person, ur first Pokemon in ur list should be good in beauty contests for blue scarf, smart for green scarf, cute for pink scarf, cool for red scarf, and tough for yellow scarf. or at least that's kinda how it is in ruby and sapphire, except that they can only get one scarf.
There is no beauty scarf in Emerald. However there is a blue scarf (raises beauty) and it can be obtained like other colored scarfs. First, max a Pokemon's beauty (anyone will do). Then go to Slateport City (by boat, fly, cycle whatever). Then go to the Pokemon Fan Club. Talk to the chairperson inside when you switched the Pokemon with max beauty to the first Pokemon. He will say that it is well trained or something close and give you a blue scarf. Likewise, maxing out a Pokemon's coolness and putting it as the first Pokemon will allow you to get red scarf (raises coolness).
Get a Pokemon to max out beauty (preferably feebas since it can evole when getting it and training at least one level) by feeding it pokeblocks. Pokeblocks can be made in lilycove. Go to Slateport and talk to the Chairman (if i remember right) of the Pokemon Fan Club with the Pokemon that has max beauty in front. He will give you a blue scarf after the conversation.
You can acquire a Blue Flute in Pokémon Emerald Version by travelling to Route 113 and walking 250 steps in the ash grass. Then, go to the house which is along the route and talk to the man inside. From there you can get the Blue Flute.
talk to Wallace
im not so sure... but i think that when u go to the Pokemon fan club in slateport city and talk to one person, ur first Pokemon in ur list should be good in beauty contests for blue scarf, smart for green scarf, cute for pink scarf, cool for red scarf, and tough for yellow scarf. or at least that's kinda how it is in ruby and sapphire, except that they can only get one scarf.
There is no beauty scarf in Emerald. However there is a blue scarf (raises beauty) and it can be obtained like other colored scarfs. First, max a Pokemon's beauty (anyone will do). Then go to Slateport City (by boat, fly, cycle whatever). Then go to the Pokemon Fan Club. Talk to the chairperson inside when you switched the Pokemon with max beauty to the first Pokemon. He will say that it is well trained or something close and give you a blue scarf. Likewise, maxing out a Pokemon's coolness and putting it as the first Pokemon will allow you to get red scarf (raises coolness).
In slateport city there is a Pokemon fan club if you go inside you will find a few people talk to the gentleman sitting in the chair and he will inspect your Pokemon if it's condition for beauty is maxed out he will be impressed and give you a blue scarf if you have your Pokemon wear it in a contest it's beauty will surpass even the most beautiful Pokemon!
Get a Pokemon to max out beauty (preferably feebas since it can evole when getting it and training at least one level) by feeding it pokeblocks. Pokeblocks can be made in lilycove. Go to Slateport and talk to the Chairman (if i remember right) of the Pokemon Fan Club with the Pokemon that has max beauty in front. He will give you a blue scarf after the conversation.
You can acquire a Blue Flute in Pokémon Emerald Version by travelling to Route 113 and walking 250 steps in the ash grass. Then, go to the house which is along the route and talk to the man inside. From there you can get the Blue Flute.
Go to Pastoria and make sure your your pokemons coolness toughness cuteness beautyness or smartness is full then talk to a guy and he will ask you if you want a scarf say yes. Diffrent Scarves Require diffrent conditions to be full. Full Coolness-Red scarf Full Cuteness-Pink scarf Full Smartness-Green scarf Full Beautyness-Blue scarf Full Toughness-Yellow scarf
you can get water stons in Pokemon emerald by finding shards and going in a house on water close to mossdeep city and when you see the house go inside the house and their will be a person talk to him and will ask you if you have shards if you do say yes but it depends on what coler the shard is if the shard is blue you get a water stone.
go to the space station at mossdeep talk to the people that are guys on person will say how he dont need it talk to him
A person can track Latias in Pokémon Emerald by first defeating the Elite 4. Then, when presented with a ticket for S.S. from dad, talk to mom and she will ask what your favorite color is between red and blue. If you pick red, Latias will unlock and will be roaming through the Hoenn region.
If you mean on the DS club penguin game the answer is to find that person go in the sport shop and talk to the penguin then help him then go to the ice rink and help the hocky player then go to the plaza and help talk to the penguin then go to the ice burg and get a jacket out from a pile of snow then give it to the penguin in the plaza and the owner of the scarf will talk to you~Bla87
in the forever forest, there is a pathway there. talk to the person and they give you a blue magical seed.
talk to Wallace