After you obtain the national pokedex, insert the Sapphire game pak, go to Iron Island B1
Sableye is a Ghost and Dark type pokemon.
no yo can't find it you have to trade it off another Pokemon game.
black stone
you can get it by getting a pichichu in pearl trade it to heartgold
Golbat,Sableye,Nosepass& Zubat
No, Sableye does not evolve.
you can migrate from ruby/sapphire or trade.
Sableye is a Ghost and Dark type pokemon.
Sableye does not evolve.
No Sableye does not evolve.
Yes. Sableye is a dark and ghost type pokemon.
Sableye isn't available in Pokemon ruby. Only in Pokemon Sapphire. You need to trade it in.
Go to the desert where you obtain the fossils
i think you don't , in blue u find sableye in the cave near the 2nd gym, and the cave before elite 4
Sableye does not evolve, but it should. (evolve into Mudkip)
You can't find registeel in Pokemon HeartGold.
You can find it in Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon HeartGold, and Pokemon SoulSilver.