Sableye does not evolve.
No Sableye does not evolve.
Sableye isn't available in Pokemon ruby. Only in Pokemon Sapphire. You need to trade it in.
Sableye does not evolve, but it should. (evolve into Mudkip)
, Growlithe, Arcanine, Omanyte, Omastar, , Ariados, Gligar, Mantine, , Sableye, Baltoy, Claydol, Anorith, Armaldo, Kyogre, Mantyke and Gliscor are all exclusive to Heart Gold.
No, Sableye does not evolve.
Sableye is a Ghost and Dark type pokemon.
Sableye does not evolve.
No Sableye does not evolve.
Yes. Sableye is a dark and ghost type pokemon.
Sableye isn't available in Pokemon ruby. Only in Pokemon Sapphire. You need to trade it in.
Sableye does not evolve, but it should. (evolve into Mudkip)
To get Sableye in Pokemon Pearl you will need a copy of Pokemon Sapphire. Insert Pokemon Sapphire into the GBA slot of the DS and turn it on. When you load into Pokemon Pearl wild Sableye should start appearing at Iron Island as long as Pokemon Sapphire is in the GBA slot.
you have to use your radio and liaten to Pokemon chat with Mary and prof. Oak. She will tell you one random Pokemon everyday. Sabeleye is one of them along with,ralts, baltoy, luvdisc, snubull, clampearl, etc.
After you obtain the national pokedex, insert the Sapphire game pak, go to Iron Island B1
, Growlithe, Arcanine, Omanyte, Omastar, , Ariados, Gligar, Mantine, , Sableye, Baltoy, Claydol, Anorith, Armaldo, Kyogre, Mantyke and Gliscor are all exclusive to Heart Gold.
Sableye is #302 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dark-Ghost type Pokemon.