Poliwag can be caught by using any kind of rod in Route 43 (Pokémon Heart Gold / Soul Silver)
u buy it for 1000000
The tower
in caves mainly,
fire red cheats do not work on Pokemon shiny gold
Poliwag can be caught by using any kind of rod in Route 43 (Pokémon Heart Gold / Soul Silver)
You have to find them by chance. Walk around where they are and maybe you will find a shiny ryhorn.
u buy it for 1000000
The tower
in olivine city
in caves mainly,
just run in the grass
fire red cheats do not work on Pokemon shiny gold
Pokemon shiny gold can be only be played on the computer
It's the same as the other game's shiny's are very hard to find just keep looking ok good luck
i have no idea and isn't Pokemon shinygold a hack game
k first its heart gold not "shiny gold" and all u need is the ds