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Forretress is a Steel and Bug type pokemon.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It's Bug and Steel, this makes it's only weakness Fire type moves.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Forretress is a Bug and Steel type pokemon.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Forretress is a bug and steel type Pokémon.

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How do you beat ash on Pokemon soul silver?

You have to have a fire type to beat a forretress because forretress is a fire and steel type, which fire could beat.

How do you get first form of forretress in Pokemon platinum?

buy Pokemon emerald version and insert it into the GBA slot then go to route 229

What moves can forretress learn in Pokemon Gold?

Forretress learns Protect, Selfdestruct, Tackle, Take Down, Bide, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Explosion and Double-Edge in Pok

List of every steel type Pokemon?

The Steel Type Pokemon are: Magnemite Magneton Magnezone Steelix Sheildon Bastiodom Jirachi Skarmory Forretress Beldum Metang Metagross Bronzor Bronzong Probopass Dialga Heatran Aron Lairon Aggron Scizor Lucario and in gen 5 theses Pokemon were added. Genesect/Genosect Excadrill Escavalier Ferroseed Ferrothorn Klink Klang Klinklang Pawniard Bisharp Durant Cobalion

What Pokemon does steven give in Pokemon soulsilver?

If you're talking about Starter Pokemon, Steven gives one of the Hoenn starters (Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip). He'll also trade his Beldum for a Forretress. You also talk to him in order to allow Latios/Latias to enter the game.

Related questions

What is the national pokedex number for Forretress?

Forretress is #205 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Steel type Pokemon.

Where do you get forretress in pookemon Pokemon SoulSilver?

you evolve pineco

Where can you find forretress in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you cant get forretress but you could get a pineco which turns into a forretress you could only obtain it by using headbutt on trees in ecuteak city after getting pineco get its level to31 and it will evolve into forretress and i need one myself

Where is Forretress in Pokemon HeartGold?

it is not in Pokemon heart gold or Pokemon soulsliver. the only whey to get it is to evolve it from pinnco.

How can you get a Forretress in SoulSilver?

The only way to obtain a Forretress in Pokemon SoulSilver is by evolving a Pineco. Pineco can be found in ixelx forest (sry for misspelling) by headbutting trees. Pineco evolves into Forretress at level 31.

Where do you find forretress on Pokemon HeartGold?

You cannot find Forretress in the wild. You have to evolve it from a Pineco. Pineco can be found in a tree when you headbutt it in the Ilex Forest.

Where can you get forretress in Pokemon HeartGold?

To get Forretress you need to evolve a Pineco. To get a Pineco you need a Pokemon that knows Headbutt. Use Headbutt on a tree and a Pokemon will fall out. This can be a Pineco. Ilex Forest is an example where you can come upon Pineco by headbutting treees.

What kind of Pokemon is forretress?

in my pokedex say bagworm Pokemon type bug steel, it remains immovably rooted to its tree it scatters pieces of its hard shell to drive enemies away.

How do you get forretress in pokemon platnuim?

Level up a Pineco to level 31

Where is steven after you trade him a forretress on Pokemon soulsilver?

Pewter museum!! :D

How do you catch forretress in Pokemon platinum?

You can't you have to level up Pineco to Lv31

Does the elite four have a forretress in Pokemon soul silver?

no idont think so