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it is not in Pokemon heart gold or Pokemon soulsliver. the only whey to get it is to evolve it from pinnco.

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Q: Where is Forretress in Pokemon HeartGold?
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When does Pineco evolve in Pokemon HeartGold?

Pineco evolves into Forretress at Level 31.

Where do you find forretress on Pokemon HeartGold?

You cannot find Forretress in the wild. You have to evolve it from a Pineco. Pineco can be found in a tree when you headbutt it in the Ilex Forest.

Where can you get forretress in Pokemon HeartGold?

To get Forretress you need to evolve a Pineco. To get a Pineco you need a Pokemon that knows Headbutt. Use Headbutt on a tree and a Pokemon will fall out. This can be a Pineco. Ilex Forest is an example where you can come upon Pineco by headbutting treees.

What route can you find a forretress in Pokemon heartgold?

you cant find him you have to level a pineco up to level 31 then it will eveolve

How do you catch Beldum in Pokemon HeartGold?

You cannot catch Beldum in Pokemon HeartGold. However, you can trade for it. After you have gone to Silph Co. and met Steven to get your Hoenn starter Pokemon, you can go back after a little bit to find him again, and he will give you a Beldum if you trade him a Forretress.

What do you do to battle against Steven on Pokemon heart gold?

You can't. I own heartgold and soulsilver and its not possible. You can trade with him though. The Pokemon you would have to trade would be a forretress for a level 30 beldum. Pineco evolves into forretress at level 30. and you can find pineco in trees all around both regions.

When does pineco evolve in HeartGold?

Pineco evolves into Forretress at Level 31.

What type of Pokemon is forretress?

Forretress is a Steel and Bug type pokemon.

What is the national pokedex number for Forretress?

Forretress is #205 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Steel type Pokemon.

Where do you get forretress in pookemon Pokemon SoulSilver?

you evolve pineco

Where is steven on Pokemon HeartGold?

At The Silph Co. Building In Saffron City After You Either Beat Red Or Beat The Elite Four. He Will Give You A 3rd Generation Starter Pokemon Of Your Choice. (Treecko, Torchick, Or Mudkip.) Later On He Will Ask You To Trade A Forretress For His Beldum.

Where can you find forretress in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you cant get forretress but you could get a pineco which turns into a forretress you could only obtain it by using headbutt on trees in ecuteak city after getting pineco get its level to31 and it will evolve into forretress and i need one myself