What is the number to Disney channel singing audition
The real phone number od disney channel is (818) 569-7500.
if you don't have direct TV then its channel 48
Miley Cyrus
Disney Channel is on 724 & Disney Channel+1 is on 725
Disney Channel Number Is (818)569-7500
What is the number to Disney channel singing audition
The channel number depends on what cable or satellite television provider you have. If you have DirecTV | Disney Channel is on channel 290.
what is the number to be on Disney channel
The real phone number od disney channel is (818) 569-7500.
if you don't have direct TV then its channel 48
The channel number depends on your area and service provider.In dishnetwork is 172
ummm...Disney Channel?? That's obvious, I believe you can find some Disney channel shows on channel 67 and all of them on channel 68. I also think there's another channel that will play some Disney channel shows on Saturday but I don't know which number. The above numbers I think are for freeview (but I can't be sure as I don't have it) The sky number for Disney channel is 609. 610 is Disney channel+1.
NO!!!!!!!!!!for the last time Hanna Montana is not the number one show on Disney Channel!!