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I received a zorua today from one of the seven sages and I learned zorua officially evolves at Lv.30.hope this helps!

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Zorua will evolve at level 30.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Zorua evolves into Zoroark at level 30.

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: What level does Zorua Evolve on Pokemon?
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What level does zorua have to be to evolve in pokemon white?

Level 35 is when zorua evolves.

What level does zorua evolve at on Pokemon black?

Zorua evolves into zoroark at level 30.

What level does zorua evolve on Pokemon white?

he evolves at level 30

How do you evolve zorua in Pokemon white 2?

zorua evolves into zoroark at level 100.(just kidding,level 30.)

What level does zorark evolve on Pokemon White?

In Pokemon White... Zoroark evolves from Zorua at Level 30... ^_^

How do you evolve a Zorua?

To evolve a Zorua, you simply need to level it up to level 30.

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Yes, Zorua evolves into Zoroark. <-(at level 70)

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Is zoroak always female on Pokemon black?

If you catch Zoroark in Lostlorn Forest it will always be female. You will have to get the Zorua in Castelia City for it to be male. Zorua will be level 10 and can evolve at level 30.

What stone do you need to evolve zorua?

In the PokΓ©mon games, Zorua evolves into Zoroark when it reaches level 30. No evolutionary stone is required for this evolution. Zorua and Zoroark are Dark-type PokΓ©mon introduced in Generation V. To evolve Zorua, simply level it up to level 30 through battles and experience points.

What level does zorua evolve at?

it's level 30

Why are my zorark eggs just the other Pokemon?

These eggs will hatch as Zorua because Zoroark's first form is that of Zorua. Level your pokemon up and it will evolve into Zoroark at level 30. It takes 6,630 steps to hatch an egg of this kind.