Zorua needs to be Lv 30 to evolve and its possible that you have a everstone on him which prevents evolution or you pressed the b button that stops the pokemon from evolving or your b button is stuck and it messed up your pokemon's evolution.
no it wont evolveno it wont evolve
The two Prism scales evolve feebas if traded, he will evolve into a milotic. But you have to trade while they are holding the prism scales or else they wont
Well, as I remember my Zorua evolved at LV.30. (not really sure cuz I stop the evolution and gave him an everstone so it wont evolve.Lol) But other resources said that it evolved at LV.20 If you want an evolved Zorua(Zoroark) you can get Zoroark instead by bringing Raikou,Suicune and Entei to Lostlorn Forest. You have an event that get you to battle a female Zoroark at LV.25.
it probably wont because pokemon br is in the sinnoh region
It wont let you because the new Pokemon cant go onto the older game you can only transfer Pokemon from older games on to black/white
no it wont evolveno it wont evolve
Roggenrola evolves into a Gigalith with it is traded.
in Pokemon black munna evolves using the moon stone but be careful because it wont learn any moves after you evolve it
No. give it an everstone and it wont ever evolve.
It wont evolve it is in its last stage.
In both Pokemon Black and White, and Black 2 White 2, a Mincinno can only be evolved to a Cinccino, when a Shiny Stone is used. A Shiny Stone can be found at Route 6 or Dragonspiral Tower, in both Pokemon Black and White, and Black 2 and White 2.
The two Prism scales evolve feebas if traded, he will evolve into a milotic. But you have to trade while they are holding the prism scales or else they wont
It wont evolve it is the last evolution of bulbasaur who is the grass starter for the kanto region in Pokemon
Because you didn't feed it.
What u do with a everstone is u give it to a Pokemon and it wont evolve
because you have to make it full friendship to evolve
Go to luminous cave with some other Pokemon, if their level is high enough you can evolve. for your starter Pokemon you wont be able to evolve until you have finished the entire game/ Beating darkrai.