Lotad cannot naturally learn it but it can be taught Thief with a Thief TM. Lotad's evolved form Lombre learns Thief at Lv. 37.
Clefable cannot learn thief at any level, not even from the TM. However it may use Thief if it knows Metronome, or a similar move.
Marshadow learns Spectral Thief at level 45.
Lotad evolves at level 14. LOTAD --lv14-->LOMBRE --water stone--> LUDICOLO
Egg Move.
In Pokemon X and Y, Lotad can learn both Water Gun and Razor Leaf if you are willing to lock in the abilities. You have to use HMs to teach both.
level 36 after you evolve it (generation 5)
He Doesnt.
the Pokemon that can use thief are ralts,lotad,mightyena and other dark and psyic Pokemon i cant think of.
Lotad evolves into Lombre at Level 14.
astonish, growl, absorb, nature power, mist, naturalgift, megadrain, zen headbutt, rain dance, energyball. Im doing a lotad only run, and i can post level's to this soon. Level 1: Astonish-Growl Level 7: Absorb (this is when lotad is effective!)
Clefable cannot learn thief at any level, not even from the TM. However it may use Thief if it knows Metronome, or a similar move.
no lotad cant learn cut the pnly HM move it can learin is surf
Marshadow learns Spectral Thief at level 45.
lvl 57
Well, starly (or staravia) will eventually learn thief when leveling up. Personally, I I think Thief is a useless move.
A keckleon in the wild already noes thief.