the Pokemon that can use thief are ralts,lotad,mightyena and other dark and psyic Pokemon i cant think of.
A keckleon in the wild already noes thief.
many Pokemon can learn thief. i taught it to my bronzong and magnezone
dark Pokemon can on learn thief in firered
Kecleon and Mightyena learn it while leveling up. Almost every other Pokemon can be taught the TM thief.
A keckleon in the wild already noes thief.
Keckleon Mightyena Lombre Poocheyana learn the move by themselves!!
Alakazam, Gengar, KAdabra, sneasel, sandslash and others
many Pokemon can learn thief. i taught it to my bronzong and magnezone
number 46
dark Pokemon can on learn thief in firered
Mightyena Keckleon Poocheyana Lombre learn thief upon leveling..and All the pokemon can learn thief using the TM
Kecleon and Mightyena learn it while leveling up. Almost every other Pokemon can be taught the TM thief.
Keckleon Lombre Poocheyana Mightyena
Keckleon Lombre Poocheyana Mightyena