Yes, it evolves into Pignite in this episode: Evolution by Fire!
it evolves in toDewot who is water type ThenSamurott who is water type I am choosing him as my starter because the grass starter has a lot of weaknesses. ( flying, bug, poison , fire and ice)Also not the fire one because he has 4 weaknesses witch are flying, ground, water and psychic.
Yes,because in the flashback in pokemon dimond and pierl ash's father has hair like silver's hair,or it is voltiner
Well maybe if cyndaquil did so will totodile if in danger ;D
He was Cramated to prevent Grave tampering, his mother and father have Erics ashs.
Actually, i have a big feeling that it is silver. Dont believe me? if you followed Pokemon chronicles when it was still airing in toonami, there was an episode where Richie met a guy named silver, who looked like ash just without the moms eyes,(because ash does have the moms eyes btw)but yeah Richie met him and mentioned ash being his friend and being stubborn and all, and by looking at silvers expression he seemed to know ash quite a bit,which goes all the way back to the part of ash having no father.Ashs father went on a journey long before ash went out on his. And when ash was setting out on one of his new journeys(going to kanto,hoenn,or sinnoh) the mom said to herself that ash is like his father going out on journeys and stuff. Silver,on the other hand is also similar to ash who carries a chickorita on his shoulder,much like pikachu, and has a salamence,which reminds me a whole lot of ashs charizard. Silver is ashs long lost dad,Giovanni is not even close to ashs dad. note: silver looks alot like proffessor oak.Proffesor oak is garys grandpa,Gary has no dad either,could this be garys dad? i guess the world may never know the true story of who is ashs real dad. i say prof. oak is just a boyfriend of ashs mom, but i really don't see anything too serious going on with them.could it be prof. oak only knows delia ketchum because of ashs(my opinion) dad silver? idont really know the full story, but all i know is that silver has the best chance of being ashs dad. PEACE!
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
It has not evolved yet but some pokemon websites are giving warnings about it evolving soon. Just type in "Ashs Tepig" and then a website called bulbapedia will come up and mention it if you go on
Ash's Grovyle evolves into Sceptile in the Advanced Geneation series episode number 161 titled 'Odd Pokemon Out!'.
Ash's dad went on a Pokemon journey and we have not heard about him since you should watch the second episode of Pokemon it tells u in there about how ashs dad went on a Pokemon journy of his own
he evolves into infernape in dp ep 163 so far its called:explosive evolution! goukazaru!
you do not
it evolves in reversing the charges,it is the 154th episode of the Advanced Generation series, and the 428th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on December 1, 2005 and in the United States on October 7, 2006.