Cinderella was patient (a lot people would have told the stepsisters and stepmom how they REALLY felt)
She was incredibly resiliant to any form of disorder as the result of her trauma and abuse. (most people, when put through both parents dying when they were young and being treated as a slave in their own home, would have some sort of therapy need, most likely)
She was kind (she made the mice clothes and stuff)
She was obedient (she took the most ridiculous amount of work with no complaint)
She was beautiful (the prince liked her, right?)
contrary to feminazis' popular opinion, Snow White has a wonderful personality- she's just too sweet and classy for them! The quietest, gentlest, nicest 9and youngest) Princess, she is an optimist who always sees the glass half full and always has a kind attitude, no matter now horribly people may treat her. The very epitome of an old-fashioned romantic, Snow White is very faithful and never stopped hoping one day she would meet the man of her dreams to who bring happiness to her lonely life, (at first) devoid of any family that actually loved her. She is a stern motherly person who isn't afraid to work hard to earn her keep and geniunely likes it, too. Snow sees beauty in all, almost to a fault, who always tries to do what she thinks is right, even if it may get her in trouble. She has the best character traits of all the Disney girls.
The best guess is Sleepy since when the animals try to warn the dwarfs about the Queen finding Snow White, they initially ignore them until Sleepy says "Maybe the old queen's...uh got Snow White"
Snow White
cold hearted, cruel, sly, vicious or villainous. I hope this helps!
Snow White was written the the Brothers Grimm in 1812. In the Walt Disney version of the story, Snow White's wicked step-mother has a magic mirror, which she asks "Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"
kind,caring and ,loving
The character known as Snow White in the fairy tale is named Snow White.
Since sugar is not a person, it does not have character traits.
The best guess is Sleepy since when the animals try to warn the dwarfs about the Queen finding Snow White, they initially ignore them until Sleepy says "Maybe the old queen's...uh got Snow White"
Snow White
The famous quote that describes someone's skin as "white as snow" is from the fairy tale character Snow White.
how does a snow monkey act
umm because she's the main character
Snow White made friends with the Seven Dwarfs in the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
Snow White or the Wicked Witch