Bugs Bunny
The best guess is Sleepy since when the animals try to warn the dwarfs about the Queen finding Snow White, they initially ignore them until Sleepy says "Maybe the old queen's...uh got Snow White"
Snow White
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 )film/Cinderella (1950 film)
A famous snowman character is Frosty
The famous quote that describes someone's skin as "white as snow" is from the fairy tale character Snow White.
The most famous snow globe is likely the "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" snow globe produced by Disney. It features the iconic characters from the classic fairy tale and is a highly sought-after collector's item.
Snow White made friends with the Seven Dwarfs in the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
The character known as Snow White in the fairy tale is named Snow White.
BiG bird
Bugs Bunny
The character She Ra was famous for being a cartoon in the 1980's. She Ra was the sister of He-Man. She Ra was the long lost sister of Prince Adam, who was secretly He-Man.
The best guess is Sleepy since when the animals try to warn the dwarfs about the Queen finding Snow White, they initially ignore them until Sleepy says "Maybe the old queen's...uh got Snow White"
Snow White
Although unfamiliar with famous snow scene paintings research has shown that there is indeed a very famous snow scene painting. The painting is called Hunters in the Snow and was painted in 1565 by Pieter Bruegel.
Suzanne Somers' character on Three's Company was named Chrissy Snow.