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The site which they have their email account on. Example: is where the persons email account is located.

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Q: What is at the end of email addresses?
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Why do email addresses end

Email addresses end in when they are supported by a provider in the United Kingdom.

What email addresses end with com?

Yahoo and Hotmail

What kind of email addresses end in info Are they a scam?

Yes they are.

How will Namibia's email addresses end?

The ending for Namibia is .na.

what does addresses do in email?

In addresses you have email addresses of people that you have emailed before.

Are email addresses cap sensitive?

No, email addresses are not cap sensitive.

What email address does any school have?

Email addresses for schools, colleges, universities should end in edu. This means an educational institution.

What country has email addresses ending in no?

Norway is the country that has email addresses ending with .no.

How do you abbreviate education?

I think its "edu" edu is commonly used at the end of college email addresses

Why are email addresses always in small caps?

All email addresses are in small caps, as are all internet addresses. If you are typing internet or email addresses in large caps, you are in fact "doing it wrong".

How do Canadian email addresses end?

Well, my original email ( i have two) from canada ended with ".ca" instead of ".com" so, that's my guess

Where are email addresses with the suffix 'be' located?

Email addresses with the suffix 'be' are located in the country of Belgium. The email addresses with the stuffix 'be' domain became active in the year 1989.