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No, email addresses are not cap sensitive.

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Q: Are email addresses cap sensitive
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Related questions

Is an email address case sensitive?

A URL is case sensitive. An email address is not. If you had an address of AbCd, the email provider will automatically switch it to abcd, even if you type it as AbCd. (In years past, email addresses were all case sensitive. But not now.) Passwords though are all CaSe SenSitIve.

what does addresses do in email?

In addresses you have email addresses of people that you have emailed before.

What country has email addresses ending in no?

Norway is the country that has email addresses ending with .no.

Why are email addresses always in small caps?

All email addresses are in small caps, as are all internet addresses. If you are typing internet or email addresses in large caps, you are in fact "doing it wrong".

Where are email addresses with the suffix 'be' located?

Email addresses with the suffix 'be' are located in the country of Belgium. The email addresses with the stuffix 'be' domain became active in the year 1989.

Sports media email addresses?

How do you find the email addresses of Sports Illustrated writers?

What are the email addresses for Comcast executives? There are plenty email addresses there.

What does prior email addresses means?

Any email addresses used before the one you are using now.

What is Eminem email?

his email addresses is and

How do you email people on WikiAnswers?

WikiAnswers' users email addresses are not public. However, there are some users who post their email addresses in their bio.

Why do email addresses end

Email addresses end in when they are supported by a provider in the United Kingdom.

What are the email addresses of Northwestern Mutual Executives?

wiki answers never gives out any email addresses