Black text/japanese symbol with the Kanji for Ball, purple background and it's in a silver ring.
=I like Temari and Sakura but I have to say........ SAKURA IS HOTTER!!XD==By: Sasuke X Sakura=
The only known sword to be "destoyed" is the Giants Sword in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The sword will break and will still be able to do some damage, but not a whole lot. There is an upgradable sword of the Giant Sword only obtainable after completing a series a side quests.
When Sasuke Retrieval arc. begins, and Sakura tells Sasuke she'll go with him, she almost does...but honestly I think she would have died pretty soon after if Sasuke had accepted her help. She wasn't very strong at that time, and didn't have that evil in her.
It looks just like any other sword, only its gold in color and can form down into a gold ballpoint pen.
Wilkinson Sword was created in 1772.
A sword and a bow
it is shown sasuke trying to kill him with his sword in the first episode but sai saves him and sasuke escapes by using a genjutsu
Its probably from Sasuke's sword during their final fight.
Danzo shielded himself with Karin attempting to threaten Sasuke but Sasuke cut through Karin to kill Danzo with his lightning sword thingy (forgot the name).
PINK! =3
Sasuke loses it in his fight with Itachi when they are fighting and orochimaru emerges from Sasuke in the form of a 8 headed snake and itachi uses the sword of totsuka to seal orochimaru for all eternity along with the curse mark.
Yes, in episode 143. He fought Sasuke and his team, while not being serious. He broke Sasuke's Mangekyou sharingan and the lariated Sasuke, that's, after sticking Sasuke with all his sword previous. Sasuke survived because Karin healed him. Killerbee used Sasuke as an excuse to flee from Raikage's supervision, so he pretended to be captured. Source: episode 143 in the anime.
No, in "Halo: Reach," you cannot change the color of the energy sword in the game settings. The energy sword's color is predetermined and fixed by the game developers.
Sasuke killed him also sasuke absorbs him in his body. and later when he was fighting with Itachi (final battle for itachi), orochimaru came out of sasuke's body and tried to attack itachi but inventually itachi kills him with a sword. read the manga at The chapter i dont trying to find out to Sasuke only countered the the body switching process and during the fight escaped but itachi only sucked into a type of sword forgot the name.Only a part of him lives only lives in Kabuto now.
Sasuke sealed Orochimaru inside his body, but when Sasuke depleted all his chakra, Orochimaru took this time to attempt to take over Sasuke's body. However Itachi pierced Orochimaru with Susanoo's legendary Totsuka Sword, sealing Orochimaru inside Susanoo and removing Cursed Seal of Heaven from Sasuke.
No, Sasuke absorbed Orochimaru for a while, then during his fight against Itachi Orochimaru broke free and was sealed by Itachi's Totsuka sword. Later Sasuke brought Orochimaru back.