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One View, From One Person:

Not being funny but I would say try a different theme as some of the chaos cards are forbidden. But if you insist on using it try Chaos Necromancer and staple cards like Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, Mirror Force and Smashing Ground.

If you must have a forbidden deck, I would suggest Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, Dark Magician of Chaos, and Chaos Sorcerer. Also make sure you have a well balence of LIGHT and DARK monsters, kind of close to 50:50. Also make sure you have a lot of cards from Invasion of Chaos.

Another View, From Another Person:

Unless you are just making a "For Fun" deck, you can only play this in Traditional. The staple cards, a.k.a. the Envoys, are both banned, for obvious reasons, so its completely irrelevant otherwise.

If you ARE playing Traditional so that you may use the two staple banned cards, the next step is to use MANY of the banned cards. Not so much because its banned, therefore you must use it for the simple title, but because it was banned for a reason, and that reason (Like the Envoys) was legitimate. They are game-altering, extremely powerful, and little to no cost to use, at least not to justify what they accomplish. And again, only in Traditional... since it only really works in Traditional.

I wouldn't recommend 50:50 ratio on the Light:Dark monsters, mainly because (If you have access to plenty of cards) you'll find the Dark monsters have more advantageous effects to your overall goal, as opposed to Light monsters. (Try 7:11:2, or something of the sort, 2 being other attributes). Next, you'll want draw power, seeing as the Chaos monsters can be dead cards (Pointless in your hand) very easily if you don't have the necessary monsters to remove. Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, Allure of Darkness, Cyber Valley, Morphing Jar, and Cyber Jar I would recommend (Three of which are banned. SHOCK)

Jinzo... you need Jinzo. Jinzo will stop those nasty trap cards that will foil your game plays. Traps are your biggest enemy, in my opinion. Best part about Jinzo? ITS NOT BANNED! (Or limited, for that matter)

Dark Magician of Chaos recylces spell cards, much like Magician of Faith. However, its when its summoned, so... let's say you drew Monster Reborn, and this card and Jinzo are in your graveyard, you can get both out with that one Reborn. A.k.a. recycles those powerful broken strategies Chaos Decks have.

Imperial Order you also need. While Jinzo will negate it if he's out, you're unlikely to find a situation as such (You should only Play Jinzo when your about to attack with Heavy Hitters). Imperial stops ALL spell cards, so it also hurts you. But YOU get to decide if you want to pay the 700LP every one of your standby phases, so if you drew a spell card that you are DYING to use, you can toss Imperial. It's banned, btw.

Dark Bribe. Negate one spell or trap, and your opponent draws one card. Obviously not a replacement for Jinzo or Imperial, but it can save you in a pinch, SPECIFICALLY against BANNED spell or trap cards, since what they will draw won't possibly replace what they lost. NOT BANNED.

Hanewata. Yes, Hanewata. Since you'll be playing Traditional, you're BOUND to face Chaos Decks. Since you're playing Traditional, you're BOUND to see Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End. Since you're playing Traditional, you're bound to see him blow up everything you've been working for. What do you do? Hanewata can be discarded during either player's turn, and by doing so you can negate all effect damage done to you this turn, so you can (technically) render an enemy's Chaos Envoy muteless! (I say muteless because the primary aspect of it's effect was shut off, but all cards were still destroyed) It will buy you time, and you'd have to discard it anyways due to his effect, so... why not? Also, its a Light monster, so that helps. And lastly, its a TUNER, which opens up the doors of Synchro Monsters, and while I'm not saying they are necessary, they can help in a pinch. (Also, since Synchro Monsters are very frequent now, as are tuners, you can use Change of Heart or Snatch Steal to take their Tuners and summon your own Synchros). NOT BANNED.

Snatch Steal. Basically a Continuous Change of Heart. Cost is that your oppoenent gains Life Points. Its a game changing card. Banned...

Delinquent Duo. Takes away two of your opponent's cards for just 1000LP. Banned...


Change of Heart.

Monster Reborn.



I'm NOT mentioning all the banned cards.

And then, for the hell of it, run Penguin Soldier. BEST. CARD. EVER. I love it.

Other than that, I'd recommend going for a 43 card deck, personally. It's the best balance of all the cards you need in the DECK and all the cards you need in you're HAND.

Lastly, the final card you need, in any deck, Mirror Force... but good luck with that one.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

A Deck Containing Tribute cards Magic Cards Trap Cards Exodia Jinzo (To Destroy And Traps) And Oblisk Slyfer and Ra
i believe that Zombies and dinosaurs (jurrac and original) are ones of the best but that's my opinion. synchros prove to be really good and supposedly gladiator beasts.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There is no 'most powerful deck', it depends on the situation or perspective . But one of the structure decks that packs more powerful cards is 'Rise of Dragon Lords'. it includes gilford the lightning, the creator incarnate, the creator, mausoleum of the emperor, foolish burial, morphing jar, tyrant dragon, and the cover card is Felgrand dragon(extremely useless due to the difficulty of summon it). this deck focus on special summon monsters from the graveyard. But if 'The End of anubis' were on the field' the owner of this deck could be screwed. and this deck has way too many High level monsters. but it's a very good deck though. Although the best structure decks are the zombie decks(Zombie world and zombie madness). they are considered overpowered by some people. every deck has its strong points, so i can't answer to your question. also, check out machine re-volt. it contain the three gadgets.

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How do you sort cards in Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker?

The website then you can say everything a regular yugioh card has but you can change the picture, effect, name, any number of att and def, any attribute, any type and and creator. If you have the type of paper a regular yugioh card is then you would have the strongest deck ever.

How many cards do you need in a Yu-Gi-Oh deck?

The minimum amount of cards you can have in a deck is 40, but there is no limit past 40 to the amount of cards you can include. Though, it would be wise to maintain a deck as close to 40 cards as possible in order to maintain consistency and increasing your chances of getting your win condition. (If you have an Exodia deck, for example, the chances of drawing a piece is 5:40 or 12.5% in a 40 card deck. In a 60 card deck, the odds are lowered to 5:60 or 8.3%.)

What is yugi's deck?

Yugi's deck is always changing, but one thing that is always in his deck is the Dark Magician. He also plays kuriboh and swords of revealing light quite often. for a complete list of cards that Yugi has used you can go to This site will tell you anything you need to know about Yugi and Yugioh mythology. you can also go to

How many cards are allowed in a deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX anime?

In the Anime, no character ever has any more or less than forty cards in their deck. In real life, you can have up to sixty, but the minimum is forty.

How do you make a BAD deck in Yu-Gi-Oh?

how to make a bad deck: use many high level monsters that can't be special summoned. don't use an extra deck. use many normal monsters. use a 60 card deck. don't use cards that cost more than $0.50 dont ever use cards that destroy other monsters/spells/traps

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Yusei has an ever-changing Turbo Deck throughout the anime. To see the complete list of cards used by Yusei during his Turbo Duels, click on the "Related Link".

How do you sort cards in Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker?

The website then you can say everything a regular yugioh card has but you can change the picture, effect, name, any number of att and def, any attribute, any type and and creator. If you have the type of paper a regular yugioh card is then you would have the strongest deck ever.

How many cards do you need in a Yu-Gi-Oh deck?

The minimum amount of cards you can have in a deck is 40, but there is no limit past 40 to the amount of cards you can include. Though, it would be wise to maintain a deck as close to 40 cards as possible in order to maintain consistency and increasing your chances of getting your win condition. (If you have an Exodia deck, for example, the chances of drawing a piece is 5:40 or 12.5% in a 40 card deck. In a 60 card deck, the odds are lowered to 5:60 or 8.3%.)

What is yugi's deck?

Yugi's deck is always changing, but one thing that is always in his deck is the Dark Magician. He also plays kuriboh and swords of revealing light quite often. for a complete list of cards that Yugi has used you can go to This site will tell you anything you need to know about Yugi and Yugioh mythology. you can also go to

How many cards are allowed in a deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX anime?

In the Anime, no character ever has any more or less than forty cards in their deck. In real life, you can have up to sixty, but the minimum is forty.

How do you duel in Top Gear turbo?

you shuffle your deck of cards and shuffle your opponets cards but keep them separated then pick a card from your deck then pick a card from your opponets deck and what ever card has the fastest power lap time wins the round so you should have best out of11 or something

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You can't ever just discard cards for no reason, you can only do so if instructed to by a card effect or a game rule, such as the one that lets you replace one Field Spell Card with another.

How do you make a BAD deck in Yu-Gi-Oh?

how to make a bad deck: use many high level monsters that can't be special summoned. don't use an extra deck. use many normal monsters. use a 60 card deck. don't use cards that cost more than $0.50 dont ever use cards that destroy other monsters/spells/traps

Is Pokemon better than yugio?

Both are good cards so both are better.Depends on your interests, if you like animals and fighting plus an alternative world then Pokemon is for you

What is the most powerful spellcaster yugioh card ever?

There is no best spellcaster card. Each spellcaster has its own strong points so this question can't be answered. Each person has their own opinion. My opinion is that Endymion the Master Magician and Dark Eradicator Warlock is the best. These are the super rare cards for the spellcaster structure decks Spellcaster's Judgement and Spellcaster's Command.

Who is stronger exodia or the 3 Egyptian god cards?

this is the stupidest question i have ever head. so here a yugioh lesson for you:if you have all five pieces of exodia in your hand you automaticly win the duelthe only way the destrorey exodia is to destorey one peice of the five cards

What are the rarest cards in Yu-Gi-Oh?

the rareist yugioh card ever made is a card called tyler the great warrior. there is only one made in the entire world! go to this site to read up on the details see below