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Here's what I found that makes a good Cloudian deck: 3 cloudian- smoke ball 3 cloudian- acid cloud 3 cloudian- altus 3 cloudian- cirrostratus 3 cloudian- eye of the typhoon 3 cloudian- ghost fog 3 cloudian- nimbus man 3 cloudian- poison cloud 3 cloudian- sheep cloud 3 cloudian- turbulence 3 gelluduo Magic: 3 cloudian squall, 3 fairy meteor crush, one final countdown, 3 fog control, 1 lucky cloud, 2 shield crush, 3 stop defense, 2 stray lambs, 3 summon cloud Trap: 3 sakuretsu armor - 3 Gellenduo. +3 Mother Grizzly. You'll be much better off. (Plus, you can get out nimbus with grizzly.)

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Q: What Yu-Gi-Oh cards do you need for a good cloudian deck?
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