It is Happiny.
the code is here it is READY!!Back to the code 940057385590 ANDTHERE YOU HAVE IT
You can breed all pokemon, except legends and ditto. its true... *static* GamerNoob37 is going down *NEEEEEOOOOOOOOWW* *machine gun noises*
Translation: I reside / I liveNote: J'habite means "I live" in the sense of "I live in New York", e.g. when "live" can be replaced by "reside". However, it does not mean "I live" in the sense of "I am not dead."
No, they did not live in Louisvile, though Don does live in Kentucky.
It is Happiny.
it depends on the Pokemon that are evolving
Any Pokemon can be strong. It all depends on the level and skill. Thx :D
Mystery gift Very long and hard to get get. Takes a lot of time.
you can go there after you beat the gym leader in SUnyseashore. hope this helps:)
After you beat the game he is in eterna city in the house right at the end of the town by route 206
the code is here it is READY!!Back to the code 940057385590 ANDTHERE YOU HAVE IT
you cant you get it from Pokemon diamond or pearl to get it you need to catch every pokem and get the azure flute
You cannot catch it in the wild. You'll need to:Trade for itTransfer it into the Poke Transfer Lab.
Its always good to have a range of diiferent type Pokemon. If you have any Pokemon that the gym leaders Pokemon are weak to then you should use them.