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Q: Is sewaddle a good Pokemon
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What level will sewaddle evolve?

Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon, which evolves into Leavanny.

What level does sewaddle evolve in Pokemon black and white?

lv. 20

Which starter Pokemon is the best in Pokemon white?

snivy because you can get a fire and water type that is cool eays but not grass sewaddle isn't cool so pick snivy!!!!

Is sandslash a good Pokemon?

It is a pretty good pokemon with good attack and defense

What Pokemon should be on a Pokemon Pearl good team?

A good Pokemon team would consist of different types of Pokemon.

Related questions

When will sewaddle evolve in Pokemon black?

sewaddle evolve when you level them up to lv 20 they evolve into swadloon

What is the national pokedex number for Sewaddle?

Sewaddle is #540 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Grass type Pokemon.

When does sewaddle ecolve Pokemon black?

Sewaddle evolves at level 20 into Swadloon. Swadloon evolves into Leavanny with happiness

Where can you catch a sewaddle in Pokemon Black?

Pinwheel Forest.

Which is a better Pokemon sewaddle or leavanny?

Leavanny. Evolved pokemon are always better

What level will sewaddle evolve?

Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon, which evolves into Leavanny.

What level does sewaddle evolve in Pokemon black and white?

lv. 20

What level does sewaddle evolve in Pokemon white?

Level 20 it evolves to Swadloon

When doas sewaddle evolve in Pokemon black and white?

Sewaddle becomes level 20 -----> Swadloon gets a level up while holding a Soothe Bell -----> Leavanny is final form

What level does sewaddle evolve?

Sewaddle evolves at level 20 into Swadloon.

When dos Swaddle evolve n Pokemon?

nbd sewaddle evolves to swadloon at lvl 20 and then to leavanny with happiness

Which starter Pokemon is the best in Pokemon white?

snivy because you can get a fire and water type that is cool eays but not grass sewaddle isn't cool so pick snivy!!!!