nbd sewaddle evolves to swadloon at lvl 20 and then to leavanny with happiness
Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon at level 20. From there, it can evolve into Leavanny with max happiness.
Pikachu of course, then he has caught pidove, oshawott, tepig, snivy, scraggy and sewaddle. As of July 17 2012: Pikachu Oshawott Pignite Snivy Unfezant Scraggy Leavanny Palpitoad Boldore Krokorok Confirmed for an evolution/Krokorok into Krokodile.Pikachu,Oshawott,Snivy,Tepig,Pidove,And Sewaddle or however you spell it
catch more pokemon
Sewaddle evolves at level 20 into Swadloon.
Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon, which evolves into Leavanny.
Sewaddle evolves at level 20 into Swadloon. Swadloon evolves into Leavanny with happiness
nbd sewaddle evolves to swadloon at lvl 20 and then to leavanny with happiness
Sewaddle becomes level 20 -----> Swadloon gets a level up while holding a Soothe Bell -----> Leavanny is final form
Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon at level 20. From there, it can evolve into Leavanny with max happiness.
well there is no Pokemon called swadle, but i assume you mean sEwaDDle, it evolves into swadloon at level 20, and then leavanny through happiness
Leavanny is a Grass and Bug type pokemon.
Pikachu of course, then he has caught pidove, oshawott, tepig, snivy, scraggy and sewaddle. As of July 17 2012: Pikachu Oshawott Pignite Snivy Unfezant Scraggy Leavanny Palpitoad Boldore Krokorok Confirmed for an evolution/Krokorok into Krokodile.Pikachu,Oshawott,Snivy,Tepig,Pidove,And Sewaddle or however you spell it
sewaddle evolve when you level them up to lv 20 they evolve into swadloon
Sewaddle is #540 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Grass type Pokemon.
Leavanny is #542 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Grass type Pokemon.