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Goku goes with shenron to train but 100 years later in the episode he has come back in his adult form to see his great great granson goku jr. in the world Martial Arts tournement fighting vegeta jr.(vegeta's great great granson). Pan ends up seeing goku as an adult and runs down the bleachers only to see that goku is gone again. Then later goku is seen flying in the air saying "see ya till next time"

After this some fans predict that Dragonball Af will start

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Q: In the end of dragon ball Gt why did goku go with shenron?
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At the end of dragon ball gt is goku dead?

No. He when with shenron to trian.

What happen to Goku when he went in shenron?

When Shenron took Goku away into the sky at the end of Dragon Ball GT. No one Really knows what happened to Goku. My theory is that Shenron took Goku away because he was the strongest being(except for Shenron) alive. Shenron fused the dragon balls with goku for immortality so when Goku was needed again, pretend in a hundred years, he'll still be alive. But if you ask me, Dragon ball GT is really lame. Enemies like Freeza, Cell, and Majin Buu(From dragon ball z) is something way better than Baby, Super 17, and Evil Shenron.

Did Goku die at the end of gt?

Goku did not die at the end at dragon ball gt.

What happens in the last episode of Dragon Ball gt?

In the last Epsiode of Dragon Ball GT, Episode 64 "Until we meet Again" Synposis: Shenron has unexpectedly summoned and has revived Goku after defeating Omega Shenron with a spirit bomb. Everyone is happy now that Goku has come back however Shenron wants to take Goku to a place. Before leaving, Goku makes a wish, wishing that everyone would be back to their normal state after their energy loss with the spirit bomb. Shenron makes the wish and everyone around the universe is cured or whatsoever. Shenron then leaves with Goku, yet Goku wants to visit some of his friends before leaving. Goku meets up with Piccolo in Hell saying How he helped him, then he meets up with Krillin and Master Roshi. They both said bye, but for one last time, Krillin and Goku had a quick fight before leaving. After that Goku rides with Shenron in an unknown place, he lies there on top of Shenron. All of a sudden, the 7 dragon balls starts to "enfuse" in Goku's Body. 100 Years Later, Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr are in the World Tournament Finals, as they begin fighting, the crowd starts to cheer. Pan was cheering for Goku Jr until she actually saw Goku (GT), she desperatly hurries to him, however Goku flees away before she actually sees him again. Goku is now walking outside of the World Tournament and then a flashback occurs. It occurs through the Series of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT. In the Final Scene, the Narrator describes how Goku was a loyal fighter and a loving father. Goku Jumps into the air with his Red Pole/Stick and quickly flies of with the Nimbus. After that a scene comes that says: "The End"

How old is goku by the end of Dragon Ball Z?

About 49

Will There be any new episodes after Dragon Ball GT?

Most likely no, Akira Toriyama has not said anything about new Dragon Ball GT nor any other Dragon Ball series to have new episodes. However Dragon Ball Kai is going to be airing soon and it's redone episodes of Dragon ball Z. ************SPOILER ALERT************ In case you don' t know I'm going to spoil the end of DB GT. In the end Goku saves the world by killing Omega Shenron with a Spirit Bomb. Then he goes off with Shenron and probably will not come back. There is also a special where Pan is a grandmother and has Goku and Vegeta Jr. as her grandchildren. Who knows though maybe they'll go off that.

Who is strongest character Dragon Ball Z-?

It is generally accepted that Goku is the strongest single character on Dragon Ball Z. If combined, Vegito, which is a combination of Goku and Vegeta is more powerful than Goku.

What happens to goku at the end does he live or die?

Goku is a fictional character from the anime series Dragon Ball. Throughout the series, Goku consistently dies and is brought back to life using Dragon Balls. Overall, Goku remains alive and continues to be a central character in the Dragon Ball franchise.

Is goku stronger than omega shenron?

It was hard for goku and vegeta to fight omega shenron but goku and vegeta turn into super saiyan 4 and then fused and turned out to be gogeta. And in the end gogeta defeated omega shenron. You will find out if YOU JUST WATCH THE STUPID SERIES DRAGONBALL GT!

What is the end of Dragon Ball Z?

Technically Dragon Ball GT is the end of the Dragon Ball series, but the fans made up Dragon Ball AF, so I think the end of Dragon Ball Z. And you might be talking about the end of Dragon Ball Z which is when Kid Buu is destroyed, annihilated. Wrong its over when uub the reincarnation of kid buu and goku fly away to uubs home village to train and when their done that's when GT begins Goku comes back and gets changed into a little kid

What are the release dates for Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Namek's Explosion--- Goku's End 3-39?

Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Namek's Explosion--- Goku's End 3-39 was released on: USA: 2 November 1999

How do you get a Dragon Ball in 3?

Go to World Tournament and win. Then you get the Dragon Balls. If you want the Black Star Dragon Balls you have to win the fight against Nuova Shenron in Dragon ball gt saga of 3 to the end of the saga.