with care,exp and love he/she will evolve into roselia,but it has to be by day. Then use shiny stone to evolve it into roserade.
the Pokemon roserade (evolution of Roselia and Budew) evolve with shiny stone.
Budew evolves via happiness. Depending on how happy it is, Budew could evolve at any level.
Budew evolve when their happiness is maxed out
Paras will evolve into Parasect.
Between levels 14 and 18 somewhere in between those numbersJ
Budew is a hippie pokemon, and evolves with freindship. Personally I think the whole "evolve with friendship" is BS! Pokemon is just a waste of my f***in time!
the Pokemon roserade (evolution of Roselia and Budew) evolve with shiny stone.
Budew evolves via happiness. Depending on how happy it is, Budew could evolve at any level.
fight water pokemon
Budew isn't avalible in FireRed and LeafGreen. It is a fourth generation Pokemon so it can only be found in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver.
No, Hitmontop does not evolve in Pokémon SoulSilver.
You can't evolve budew by leveling it up because you need to get high friendship battle more to gain friendship
It evolves through happiness. It doesn't have a specific level to evolve.
he does not evolve.
ditto does not evolve
it evolves into Roselia same thing on Pokemon diamond