Teach a flying type Pokemon the HM move Fly, and then go onto the menu and select "Pokemon", then go to the Pokemon you taught it to and press "A" and it will say summary, item, etc, and to the left, it will say "Fly", so you press the left arrow key, and select it. Then you pick where you want to go on the map that will be presented to you and voila!
you need to teach him the hm "fly" but you cant use it until you defeat an especific gym leader
you dont
After you beat the 5th gym Bianca, she will give you the HM02 Fly
Yes, it can.
After teaching a pokemon Fly, go into the Pokemon menu and press A on the pokemon that knows the move. A list of options will appear and Fly will be one of them. Press A on Fly and a map of the world will appear. On this screen you can scroll around the map looking for the location you want to fly to. Only places with a Pokemon Center can be flown to. If you do not have a certain badge (depends on the game) you may not be able to use the move at all.
you need to teach him the hm "fly" but you cant use it until you defeat an especific gym leader
reshiram thunderus tornadus landours
To use fly , its at the left of where you go into Pokemon,then click the Pokemon that kknows it,and its in blue letters
Teach it to a Pokemon, enter the Pokemon screen, chose the Pokemon that knows fly and select where you want to fly to.
You need a flying type that knows HM Fly
Yes Sigilyph can learn fly
Teach a Pokemon Fly after obtaining the HM and choose fly when you select the Pokemon.
You can use fly anytime you are outside.
you dont
go to the in game menu and go to Pokemon click on the Pokemon with fly and chose fly
flying Pokemon
what Pokemon can use fly, lets find outcharizard,all birds(allmost),dragonite,silver snorelax(shiny Pokemon)