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go to the in game menu and go to Pokemon click on the Pokemon with fly and chose fly

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: How do you use fly outside of battle in Pokemon diamond?
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What gym lets you use fly out of battle in Pokemon Diamond?


If you flee from azelf will it come back in Pokemon Diamond?

it is very hard to get azelf and mesprit and uxie. in my Pokemon diamond, azelf and mesprit fled the battle. if you want to find them, use your matching Pokemon app on your watch and DO NOT FLY UNDER ANY CONDITIONS. IF YOU FLY, THE POKEMON WILL ALSO FLY AND YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM. DO NOT LOSE HOPE!!

Fly Route Pokemon Diamond?

You can "FLY" anywhere as long as your outside,you have the HM and you are able to use it,and you cant fly anywhere on the map if u havent been there IV BEEN EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!

What gym do you have to beat to use fly outside of battle in diamond?

I believe it is the gym in Sunnyshore city, or something like that. Actually it is Veilstone :)

Where can you use teleaport?

On Pokemon pearl you can only use it battle or you can use it in a cave if are in deep in the cave once you can use the HM FLY outside of battle.

Where so you find fly on Pokemon silver?

You get it in the island where you battle that fighting pokemon leader, his wife outside of the gym will give it to you after you beat gym leader and speak to her

How do you get to Kanto in Pokemon diamond?

When you beat the elite 4 and Cynthia you fly to Snowpoint City and hop on the sailors boat.he takes you to the battle frontier where you can catch Pokemon from different regions.

Is there a Fly Anywhere action replay cheat on Pokemon Diamond?

There is a way to do it without cheating. Just simply trade a Pokemon that knows fly. Example: you have a staravia in Pokemon pearl that knows fly. Just trade it to Pokemon diamond.

Where can you get fly hm in Pokemon Crystal?

the hm fly will be give by bianca after you finish your battle to clay

In Pokemon diamond what do you do after you beat the elite 4?

First teach Fly to one of your Pokemon then fly to Snowpoint City. Talk to the sailor; he will take you to the next island. Once you arrive, battle your way to the survival area then into Stark Mountain.

What special effect does Lt surge's gym badge have?

Boosts all pokemon's speed and lets you use Fly outside of battle.

Where do you find apokemon that can fly in Pokemon diamond?

Starly which you can find on your first battle. you can find starly around that Area. but they are hard to find because of bidoofs