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First, both players have to be in a Pokemon center and have to talk to the trading person at virtually the same time.

You only need one cable, and you connect it to the little port on the side of both of the game boys.

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ONLY if it is a GBA Link Cable. The GBC and the other Link Cables won't work.

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Q: How do you use a link cable between Pokemon Blue and gold?
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I have 2 Game Boy adv with the link cable and the gold and silver version.. I get to the cable link trade save my game but then nuothin happenz.. How do trade Pokemon between gold and silver?

Pokemon Gold and Silver are gameboy colour games. If you want to trade Pokemon between them you must have two gameboy colours and a gameboy colour link cable.

Can you trade between Pokemon gold and firered?

you need a special link cable though

How do you link Pokemon gold and Pokemon silver?

with a link cable

Can Pokemon eggs be traded in Pokemon gold silver crystal?

yes you can transfer a egg by link cable in the versions gold/silver/crystal. but u cant trade eggs to red/blue/yellow/green.

Can Pokemon Yellow trade with pokemon silver and gold?

Yes it can. Using the Time Capsule in Gold and Silver it's possible to trade between Red, Blue, and Yellow.

How do you unlock the cable club in the original red version of Pokemon?

You have to link two Gameboys with a link cable. The other Gameboy must have the Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold or Crystal cartridge in it.

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon Blue to Pokemon Gold?

Yes there is a special time capsule trading machine in Pokemon gold at the top of the goldenrod city Pokemon center if i remember correctly you can use that machine to trade with Pokemon blue, yellow and red version.

How come it wont let you trade with Pokemon Gold and Crystal?

It will let you trade between Pokemon Gold and Crystal. You just have to make sure you are using two gameboy colours and a gameboy colour link cable.

Can you battle coliseum style between two human players with a game link cable a Game Boy a Game Boy color Pokemon Red and Pokemon Crystal?

No, trust me I've tried with Pokemon blue and with Pokemon gold, just to be sure that it wasn't my gbc-gba connector I tried Pokemon emerald and it worked. Only Generation three games work.

Can Pokemon Blue trade Pokemon with Pokemon Gold?

i no you can with yellow and red and blue but I'm not sure about gold.. u could also try searching this on Google u can but they cant be Pokemon gold Pokemon or a Pokemon with any johto moves or items and the time trade thing neeeds to have been fixed on Pokemon gold

How do you transfer Pokemon to crystal version?

Trade using a link cable from gold or silver. At a certin point you can trade using the time machine with blue, red or yellow.

How do you trade between soul silver and emerald?

Trading Pokemon Between VersionsYou can only trade between the Pokemon games, red, blue, yellow, gold, and silver, using a link cable. AnswerYou can't trade original games with emerald, only FireRed and LeafGreen Answeryou can't trade Pokemon from blue, red, or yellow on to FireRed or LeafGreen I tried it. The reasonThe games aren't compadible, they have different inner workings.