You can evolve Riolu at level 45. When on 45 or over go to setup my team, then scroll down. Click on Riolu and it will come up with a box scroll down in that box until it says evolve. click on it then your Riolu will become a Lucario.
level 80 or90
Yes you can recruit riolu in crystal crossing or crystal cave
On route 69
Mincinno must get max happiness to evolve into Cincinno in the Pokemon Flora Sky hack.
In all Pokemon games, Riolu can learn dig with the TM Dig. If you have the TM Riolu should be able to learn it.
level 80 or90
I am sorry but you cannot get your Pokemon to follow you in Pokemon Flora Sky
We're do u get to my dudes in pokemon flora sky
Yes you can recruit riolu in crystal crossing or crystal cave
You have to be a male and you have to be a sassy type.
No, Riolu was only made playable in Explorers of the Sky.
On route 69
Mincinno must get max happiness to evolve into Cincinno in the Pokemon Flora Sky hack.
Riolu can be found in Crystal cave and its actually easy to find riolu, but it will take forever trying to recruit it
In all Pokemon games, Riolu can learn dig with the TM Dig. If you have the TM Riolu should be able to learn it.
We're do u get to my dudes in pokemon flora sky